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army act 陸軍刑法,軍法。

army brat

If we imagine , instead of generals of genius at the head of the russian army , an army acting alone , without leadership of any kind , such an army could have done nothing else but move back again towards moscow , describing a semicircle through the country that was best provided with necessaries , and where supplies were most plentiful 假如俄國軍隊不是在英明的統帥領導下,而只是一支沒有指揮官的軍隊,那么,除了從糧草較多物產較富的地區,沿著一條弧線朝莫斯科迂回之外,不會做出任何別的抉擇。

A cadre in the army acts as marshal of the flag - raising ceremony 軍隊的一名干部擔任升旗典禮的司儀。